All copyright is reserved by the artist.

How long have you been painting?
I have been roughly painting for 2 years now, but have been creating all my life.

Who has been your biggest inspiration/ supporter in your art career?
My daughter has been the biggest inspiration/supporter for my artistic career. Everything that I do, or have done doesn't effect me directly, it effects her. I'm on a quest to building a legacy that I can leave behind that she can follow and continue to build.

How did being awarded 3rd place in the The Mural Project @ CityCentre affect you?
Being awarded as a winning muralist in The Mural Project @ CityCentre definitely helped me gain more momentum in my artistic career. It proved to me that anything is possible, with the right combination of prayer and hard work. Since The Mural Project @ CityCentre, I was granted the opportunity to showcase my work for charity events, and group shows.
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