All copyright is reserved by the artist.

How long have you been painting?
It is difficult to determine exactly when I began painting. At 15 years old I had an immense urge to draw. I remember the last two years of high school when I started to use one thick notebook with white pages that I bound myself instead of my class subjects. I didn’t take any class notes, but instead began to draw a diary.

Who has been your biggest inspiration/supporter in your art career?
My foremost inspiration was Enrique Oliveros, my art teacher and counselor in primary school. He was an actor that taught me to manage and express my emotions. He was a fantastic painter posessing a unique gift of realism. My second inspiration was Maximo Capecchi, a family member of my best friend. He was an unrecognized and underestimated artistic genius with an incredible graphic expression. He introduced me to an amazing world of creativity and knowledge. I have never met another person with a similar talent. MORE INFO

How did being awarded 1st place in The Mural Project @ CityCentre affect you?
Any acknowledgment of my work as an artist is positive and stands as another testament of my passionate devotion to my work. For me, winning The Mural Project proved my artwork's concept connecting to the public eye. This praise fuels my momentum and impulse to further continue my hard work. On a funny side note, all my neighbors now know of me, because the Mural Project article in Houston Lifestyle and Homes Magazine was sent to every household.
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